Friday, April 3, 2009

Bowling Night

Last night was bowling night again. Before we hit the lanes, Kendra, Lacey and I attempted to change the windshield wiper motor in Kendra's blazer. Armed with only a screwdriver and a pair of pliers, we successfully got the new motor to squirt a lot of water, but were unable to make it wipe anything. A ratchet would have been nice.

With the blazer torn apart and screws/nuts/whatever those things are laying all willy-nilly in the back, we were forced to take the Buick. Now the Buick has three seats in the front, and even though the back seat had plenty of room, we all sat up front. Why? Because we could. Who wouldn't want to sit elbow to elbow in the front with seat belt pluggies digging into your ass?

We won one game, and lost the other two. This is sad only because the bitches we were playing were, well they were bitches. I received the evil eye after each of my turns, and I'm pretty sure they were making fun of my shirt (which is stupid, because that shirt is totally cute). After bowling, we had one drink at Micheal's, and escaped before the crack addicts could hug me again. It was a good night.

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