Why haven't I posted yet? Because I'm a Windows girl! iPhoto? Finder? Nifty Dashboard? Where's the fucking start button? It took me until this morning to figure out how to right click, the mouse only has one button! Every time I accidentally drag something off of my dock, it goes *poof* (literal poof here, there's fleeting smoke and everything) and I can't find it again. I'm a Mac-Moron and this new operating system is going to take a minute to get used to.
I've been loading these three photos all day (into about 14 different locations), so enjoy them. I worked hard for this.
Hurray!!!!!!!!!! finally we can see what Mady is up to...Sorry you are having difficulties with the new computer, but you are pretty savvy with computers and in no time you'll get the hang of it...the cup cake looks delicious... did Mason eat any? Papi got the b-day cards and he say thank you...
haha, I hope you sent Mase home with George full of HFCS. That's actually one of the nicer things I can think of doing to him right now.
Your Mady is just beautiful! Loving the cupcake face!
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