Mads and I woke up at about eight today. I changed her diaper, brushed my teeth, brushed her teeth, and changed her clothes. Through this whole routine, my phone was beeping to tell me that I had a message. It was too early to deal with messages. I finally shuffled out to my phone at around 8:20. I had 32 missed calls. Thirty-two. Nothing screams "EMERGENCY!!" like 32 missed calls. I called Jeffrey with an ill heart. He drove the Honda into a telephone pole. The pole suffered major damage, as did the Honda (most likely totaled), but Jeffrey walked away with just a small scratch next to his right eye.
Thank you, God. I don't even want to imagine doing this without my love.
P.S. Anyone have a cheap Honda for sale? :)
OMG!!!!!! SO glad he is ok. Give him lots of hugs tonight!! Sorry, no cars here. I do have a pontiac for about 15 K if ya wanna take that off my hands though!! ;)
So glad he is ok! Sorry about your car though. Hopefully you can get another car quickly.
I'm glad your hubby is ok!!!! He definitely had a Guardian Angel watching out for him.
A couple years ago, my husband was on his way to work and got t-boned from a guy who ran a stop light. Totalled his truck and somehow he walked away with minor bumps and he was a bit sore the next day.
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